Dr. Kerry L. Taylor, DDS | 855 East Warner Road, Suite 104 | Chandler, AZ 85225 (480) 786-1734

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Use A Night Guard If You Grind Your Teeth

Written By +Dr.Kerry L Taylor

Why You May Need A Night Guard

teeth-grinding-night-guardThe main reason for needing a night guard is grinding your teeth. Grinding can happen when you don’t even realize it, but it can cause pain, discomfort, and the wearing down of the teeth involved.

Over time, this grinding can even wear down on the bones in the jaw. Grinding your teeth, however, is not the only reason that you might investigate the benefits of wearing a night guard.

Other common issues for using a night guard include jaw clicking, sensitive teeth, cracked teeth, or facial pain. Whether these symptoms occur alone or in combination, a night guard can help to solve problems. Snoring, too, can be eased with the regular use of a night guard. Since snoring tends to be a precursor to grinding.

Get A Custom-Fit Night Guard

The most effective night guards are those customized by a dentist. If you’re already a victim of constant snoring or teeth grinding, you may even be keeping your spouse up at night with the sounds. Getting a night guard and using it regularly can reduce pain and symptoms while also making the night easier for others to sleep.

If you have been a consistent tooth grinder for some time, patients can continue to wear down their teeth and experience discomfort on a regular basis.

Protect Your Teeth

A proper night guard, especially one fitted by a dentist, can help to protect the teeth from being worn down, but it can also help to stop the force placed on the muscles in the mouth. The movement of the lower jaw can also be limited when a night guard is used regularly, reducing the chances that a patient will suffer from TMJ.

To make a night guard, we will examine your mouth and take note of the symptoms you’re reporting. Then, a custom mold will be made fitted exactly to your teeth. If you purchase a generic night guard, you might find the fit to be uncomfortable and not perfectly matched to the alignment of your teeth. That’s why working with a dentist for a custom creation is your best bet.

End The Suffering

Suffering from tooth grinding or jaw pain can make your life unbearable. It can make you feel tired throughout the day and make chewing your food difficult. Over the long run, the consequences of grinding your teeth can get worse and continue to cause you severe pain. Working with a dentist to obtain a night guard is one way to address the temporary symptoms and to get relief from the pain.

Do You Have Chipped, Cracked Or Uneven Teeth?
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Five Main Causes Of Discolored Teeth

Written By +Dr.Kerry L Taylor

Discolored Teeth: Find Out What Causes It

Do My Teeth Look Discolored?Everybody admires a smiling face. Some people also regard smiles as their best facial feature. A beautiful smile is impossible without attractive teeth. Yes, white sparkling set of teeth is what constitutes a great smile.

This is problem area for a few. As you can see in the pictures above, discolored teeth do not look attractive and also might give an impression of a poor oral hygiene of an individual to others.

However, discoloration of teeth might not be necessarily due to poor oral hygiene alone. There are several other factors of which five main are discussed below.

Poor Dental Hygiene The most common cause for discolored teeth among adults is indeed poor oral hygiene. Products like coffee, tea wines, colas and even some fruits gradually stain your teeth. Inefficient brushing of teeth and seldom flossing to remove plaque mean that the stains are not removed from time to time. This causes discoloration of the teeth over a period of time.

Tobacco Use The use of tobacco, both chewing and cigarettes causes discoloration of teeth that is often very difficult to get rid of. The tobacco in cigarettes forms a yellow film on your teeth while chewing tobacco can cause serious and often permanent reddishness to the gums and teeth.

Disease and Medication Teeth Discoloration may also be due to various diseases or the after effects of its remedy. There are diseases that affect the enamel and dentin and cause discoloration. Also treatment of certain conditions may are also known to discolor teeth.

Chemotherapy and medicines like tetracycline have teeth discoloration as one of their side effects. The discoloration of teeth can also be caused by teeth injury sustained to children. A fall may disturb their enamel formation and cause teeth discoloration. Similar discoloration due to trauma is also known to have occurred among adults.

Other External Factors Few people know that a visit to the dentist can also cause your teeth to lose its whiteness. Silver Sulfide is one material that is regularly used in dentistry for procedures like amalgam restorations. Silver sulfide is known to turn tooth enamel into grayish-black color. Environmental factors are also equally responsible for teeth discoloration. Excess fluoride in water causes teeth enamel to lose its shine gradually.

Natural Factors Lastly, there can are other natural factors too that are responsible for the color of your teeth. Few people have whiter teeth than others and the plain and simple reason for it is just genetics. Also with aging, the teeth do lose its whiteness as the outer layer of the teeth get worn out to reveal the inner natural yellow of the dentin.

Do You Have Discolored Teeth You Want To Whiten?
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Why Do I Need a Root Canal?

Written By +Dr.Kerry L Taylor

root canal Since root canals can be very expensive and can be perceived as an extensive procedure to have done, some people hesitate over whether they really need the procedure completed or not. When there is deep decay inside of the nerve chamber of the tooth, the nerve inside can degenerate resulting in gangrene.

When left untreated, this condition can result in serious pain inside the mouth as well as swelling issues. Many people affected by this problem will continue to experience pain in the course of their everyday life, with exacerbations occurring as they attempt to chew food. It can be extremely difficult to cope with the symptoms associated with this damage.

There our several steps that your dentist should take before verifying that a root canal is the most appropriate procedure. First of all, the dentist should conduct a visual exam of the teeth to determine if any color change is noted for the tooth in question. The dentist should also ask you questions or conduct tests to determine whether tooth sensitivity is an issue.

Make sure you are clear with your dental professional about any other conditions that cause sensitivity in the tooth.

There are several symptoms that you might experience to indicate the need for a root canal. Most of the time, swelling and pain is associated with the need for a root canal, although other dental problems can cause the symptoms.

If you suspect that you may have a root canal, schedule an appointment with the dentist right away. There are other indications of problems that will lead to a root canal that can only be determined by your dentist. During a routine dental examination, you may discover that the pain and sensitivity you’ve been experiencing is associated with the damage requiring a root canal.

If a root canal is suspected, the dentist will take an X-ray to check for infection. Anesthesia will then be used to numb the area surrounding the tooth, and then a rubber dam will be installed the keep the area dry and clean.

In the next stage, the dentist drills a hole into the tooth and the nerve tissue is removed. Once this process has been completed, a follow-up appointment will be scheduled. The final stage depends on the individual person, but generally restoration will be continued in some fashion like a crown or crown and post.

If you’re experiencing serious pain or swelling, contact your dentist today for an evaluation. Waiting to have the treatment can make the pain or situation worse.

Do You Have A Painful Tooth?
Call Us Today At (480) 786-1734… And We’ll Help You

Need A Second Opinion For A Dental Procedure?

Video By +Dr.Kerry L Taylor

When you’re inquiring about a dental procedure, and you’re not sure…getting a second opinion is a wise decision. No one dentist or doctor is necessarily right.

Watch Dr.Kerry L Taylor in this video and how he approaches giving second opinions.

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